Although delivery of the TT started with a limited number of colours (black, blue and silver for the Coupé), quite a few variants have been introduced over the years. Green is not the same through years as, for example, red, blue and black. You can also see differences between the Coupé and Roadster. Nimbusgrau has always been reserved as a standard option for the Roadster, for example. And can only be found as a special promotion on the Coupé. Below is an overview of the TT colours through time and with distinctions for the Coupé and Roadster.
A total of 35 official colours can be found in the Netherlands from the TT.
Popular colours in the Netherlands
Of the more than 35 official colours of the TT 8N in the Netherlands, for both the Coupé and Roadster, the top five colours [1] account for more than 80% of TTs. The most popular colour for both versions is Silbersee-Metallic (LY7W). Followed by a black shade.
Rare colours in the Netherlands
Besides the massively chosen colours, the more rare colours can also be found in the Netherlands. As far as known in July 2023 [2], fewer than 10 units of TT 8N can be found in the Netherlands with one of the colours listed below.
5 Shades of black
In the eight years of the TT 8N, there were no less than five colours of black that appeared in the brochure.
[1] Source: colour registration of ~5,250 TT 8N in the Netherlands on (reference date: July 2023). For the Roadster, 1% represents 23 units. In the case of the Coupé, it is 30 units by 1%
[2] Source: colour registration of ~5,000 TT 8N in the Netherlands on (reference date: July 2023). 1% represents 50 units