One striking thing about the 1995 concept Coupé and Roadster is the difference in naming. The Roadster goes by as TTS and the Coupé as TT. And there was a reason behind that. If you look closely at the logos on both cars you already get a hint.

The Roadster did indeed have a little red S added and was the extra sporty variant of the TT. So what were these sporty aspirations of the TTS Roadster to live up to:

  1. The engine, which was a little extra tuned compared to the TT Coupé (210 hp/250 Nm instead of 150 hp/210 Nm)
  2. The rims, which at 18’ were a size larger than the Coupé's 17’
  3. Optical elements that make the Roadster's appearance look sportier. See "Differrences TT Coupé and TTS Roadster"

Prologue - the concept

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